"Best Laid Plans . . . "!
You have heard these words many times before, I’m quite certain. Well, to say I’m immune would be a foolish statement. You've also heard the words "the show must go on" - and that's where we are today!
So, we had a plan. And true to the title (and life in general I suppose), we need to change the plan. But change is good, right? Yes, the route has been shortened but will result on no less impact, I'm sure. The process is in place and now it's a matter of revising the website and presentation materials along with planning the new route and events along the way. Today is May 21 and I should be packing the RV for the trip to LA in order to start the cross country trip on May 30. Instead, I'm writing a note to tell you that we're not going to leave until early August. Instead of 3+ months, we'll be on the road 2 months. Instead of 5,000 miles, we'll go about half that.
At the same time however, we're going to be better organized and funded in order to continue shooting for our goal of $2M. If we could be successful getting 1.5 million people to give just $1.00 we'd almost reach our goal! Sounds like a lot of people, doesn't it. Think about this for a second, though. There are an estimated 1.5 million kids who experience homlessness every year! You're right - that's a lot of people.
We're "standing" behind "StandUp for Kids". We're going to make this happen - even in this economy - because if you think we've got it hard, think about how life would be without a roof over your head, without food in the refrigerator (what refrigerator?), without family, friends and people you can rely on and trust. What's it like to dumpster dive for your next meal? What's it like to sell your body in order to stay dry? Shorter trip or not - THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Stand with us, please!
Changes to the website and plan will be online soon along with a true donation link. Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell your co-workers! Tell everyone you know about this effort to change the lives of thousands of kids. From the bottom of my heart - thank you.
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