MPH: Believe it or not! A Segway wheel spinning at 12.5 mph on dry pavement continues to spin at 12.5 mph on other surfaces too – things like water, mud, grass and then pavement again…. Ouch! (Called centrifugal force – it’s quite a surprise!) But I am painfully aware of this now and
OK. Today was another adventure. I mean, that IS one of the goals of this project, right? This morning, I met with Mike at Gander Mountain. They were terrific by offering a substantial discount on items purchased for the SOS Tour. So, in addition to SFP30 clothing and sun glasses, I brought home two sets of Frogg Toggs Rain Gear.
And, guess what? This afternoon it started raining! What am I waiting for? I need to try out the Frogg Toggs and find out what it’s like to ride a Segway in the rain! We expect to be faced with wet weather at various points along the route and I do plan to ride - rain or shine. Well that is, of course, unless we encounter golf-ball sized hail –and I’ve packed a 5 iron just in case.
Rather than bore you with tons of prose, I thought I’d condense this into common-sense (well, you be the judge) definitions.
Hydroglide: This is very similar to hydroplaning (aquaplaning) that happens to you in a car. This is a term that should be applied specifically to Segways, however. Do Segways hydroglide? YES, as a matter of fact, they DO! Interestingly enough – Segways ALSO “glide” sideways! How fun is THAT?
Sliding into Home: Since I’m really not an avid sports fan, I had to look up how a person does this. The directions say: 1. Feet first, 2. Bend your leg, 3. Try to hook the slide, 4. Go in the back door (huh?), 5. Knock the ball loose (catch and release I was told recently!). OK. My experience was similar. Feet first -check. Bent leg -check. Hook the slide – perhaps. (skip #4) and then knock the ball loose – not so much. My directions? 1. Find a road, path or sidewalk exhibiting a perpendicular flowing stream of water over a not so flowing layer of mud. 2. Hydroglide. 3. Butt first. 4. LET GO – LET GO!!! 5. Be very hopeful nobody can witness to this event, especially those with cameras. YouTube would see an increase in activity levels and you’ll need to shop for a deserted island.
Spinning your wheels: Yea – enough said.
Slippery Slope indeed: We’re supposed to dread living our lives on the slippery slope which leads to - well, eventually to some place bad. We do things to avoid it whenever possible. When a person is riding a Segway down a descent grade of 10% or so on a very polished glass-like asphalt surface, watching as the wheels try to keep up with the flow of water in the downward direction that all water flows - it is downright terrifying! I promise to avoid the slippery slopes in my life – I do I do I do I do!!!!
Muddy things up: I suppose Segway doesn’t exactly encourage the use of these machines in wet weather – so maybe that’s why they didn’t include MUD FLAPS (hand slapping forehead)! The brown streak up my "back" (picture enclosed) actually drew comments from people sitting on their porches! (none to be repeated here, of course)
Blind Spot: Yes, cars have blind spots. I found out recently that RV’s ALSO have blind spots (we avoided the accident, thanks for asking). But Segway blind spots? OK – that’s not exactly correct. It’s not the Segway, it’s the Frogg Toggs. Put that hood over your head to avoid the pelting rain and whallahh, - blind spot. (how’s that for a word, whallahh!)
Segway Spinning: As a result of the “blind spot”, coming to an intersection can be intimidating because you are forced to stop the machine and “spin” around in order to check traffic before you cross the street. What does that feel like? Well, just ask Natalia Kanounnikova (yes, of course I had to look this up!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQLtcEAG9v0 (Note: Segway Spinning is not an approved Olympic Event - yet.)
MPH: Believe it or not! A Segway wheel spinning at 12.5 mph on dry pavement continues to spin at 12.5 mph on other surfaces too – things like water, mud, grass and then pavement again…. Ouch! (Called centrifugal force – it’s quite a surprise!) But I am painfully aware of this now and
. . . It’s never a bad idea to own TWO sets of rain gear!
. . . Tree branches that hang over sidewalks hang MUCH lower when it’s raining. They’re also a MUCH heavier!
. . . Goggles look weird. Wear them anyway.
. . . Tree branches that hang over sidewalks hang MUCH lower when it’s raining. They’re also a MUCH heavier!
. . . Goggles look weird. Wear them anyway.
See ya’ next time! Off to do laundry.
Great morning read! I like listening to you blog, it's almost like "in person".
ReplyDeleteI personaly prefer the french spelling of voila,(whallahh), but either way - "there you go".
The dangers of this ride are MANY! You are going to need supernatural intervention (prayer and if available - angels)to pull this one off in one peice m - that's where I come in.