Two days and 160 miles complete. As my brother Bill would say, only 47 days and 2,360 miles to go! I always feel so accomplished when he points out the stats.
The Kickoff!
Have to say it was a huge success! A number of people stopped by to wish the trip well and 9 riders started with us in order to sample a little bit of the daily routine with our first Ride-a-Long (RAL). I’m sure I could ask my brother to calculate the percentage of RAL miles to the total trip – or, you could ask him! I’m sure he wouldn’t care if I published his number.
We were into the RAL about 1.5 miles and I had to ask for directions. This could be an interesting trip! We made it, however and I think everyone had a great time. We even passed the phone around to family during the RAL because my sister called from Vegas. It was good she could ride-a-long for a while too.
After we said goodbye to everybody and began the journey on our own, I had surprise visitors a couple of times. My daughter Michaela and her husband (and future RV driver) Mike were sitting in lawn chairs cheering me on from the side of the road in Chatsfield – and again in Decorah! Bill snuck up on me with the Gold Wing and rode with me for quite a while. But he wouldn’t go into Iowa.
Day Two
And speaking of Iowa, roads were a bit challenging in this state. They use class 5 rock for shoulders with a lip to the pavement of 2 or 3 inches. “Gliding” got pretty “narrow” in spots for a lot of today. Spent alot of time going from dirt to road and back again each time over that lip. It was almost a like water skiing over a boat wake– a little less fun though. Segways do not like gravel any more than they like those “road craters” (see previous blog)
And speaking of Iowa, roads were a bit challenging in this state. They use class 5 rock for shoulders with a lip to the pavement of 2 or 3 inches. “Gliding” got pretty “narrow” in spots for a lot of today. Spent alot of time going from dirt to road and back again each time over that lip. It was almost a like water skiing over a boat wake– a little less fun though. Segways do not like gravel any more than they like those “road craters” (see previous blog)
Since I was “hugging” the oncoming lane so often today, there were a few unhappy people. Most were smiling, waving and seemed to think that this sight was kind of funny. Some though, (there are ALWAYS some!) were interested in making ‘their’ point, right or wrong . . . in a variety of ways. Sorry you guys!
KAAL-TV cameras were there for quite a while and so was the Rochester Post Bulletin. I’m interested in seeing what happens with the video (hopefully I can get a link) and today’s newspaper. I will do a little searching online but if some of you manage to get a hold of hard copies . . .
I am under the impression that Chatfield will be printing something (maybe Tuesday) and there is a magazine produced in Red Wing that will be doing an article in the next issue, mid-August.
The website was typically experiencing 30 unique hits a day for a while, climbed to twice that after the KTTC broadcast, and as of noon today had over 100! The word is getting out!
KAAL-TV cameras were there for quite a while and so was the Rochester Post Bulletin. I’m interested in seeing what happens with the video (hopefully I can get a link) and today’s newspaper. I will do a little searching online but if some of you manage to get a hold of hard copies . . .
I am under the impression that Chatfield will be printing something (maybe Tuesday) and there is a magazine produced in Red Wing that will be doing an article in the next issue, mid-August.
The website was typically experiencing 30 unique hits a day for a while, climbed to twice that after the KTTC broadcast, and as of noon today had over 100! The word is getting out!
Speed Zone Ahead
There were things in the past couple of days that made things difficult. I have a rough time when people get upset because we’re in their way or something. They don’t seem able to recognize the cause for what it is –they only see how inconvenient it is for them. I need to toughen up. (I have had people take my SOS card, and donate right on the spot – so there ARE upsides too)
There were things in the past couple of days that made things difficult. I have a rough time when people get upset because we’re in their way or something. They don’t seem able to recognize the cause for what it is –they only see how inconvenient it is for them. I need to toughen up. (I have had people take my SOS card, and donate right on the spot – so there ARE upsides too)
Maybe after listening to that little electric buzz from the Segway, I started to get punchy, but the first reaction to this sign was “Right! Now I have to SLOW down and I’ll just NEVER get to Atlanta!” Yea, like you didn’t know that I have a weird sense of humor sometimes. But this sign came back to me a couple of times while riding today.
It WAS telling me something. I’ve decided (once again) that I can’t let people slow me down. There will always be those who disagree and not always nicely. But it comes down to that old cliché’, “you can’t please everybody” - I get it! And it’s the truth!
The hot water is now working in the RV so I treated myself to the first warm shower in a couple of days. It washed all negativity right down the drain. I’m sitting here outside the RV in a park-like area and it’s getting dark. Fireflies are all over the place (they are SO fascinating) and there’s a very pleasant breeze. RV generators work, air conditioning works - actually, everything works now thanks to Chris.
It could not be more peaceful. All is well, tonight – and we’ll not be paying attention to any signs that tell us to slow down.
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