YAY! After nearly 4 years of thought – after nearly 6 months of planning, the last two being quite intense, it is now time to embark!
Late Friday night, I was sitting with Dustin and Christine (Midwest SignTech of Rochester) looking at the results of “Team SignTech’s” hard work. Big as life, the RV was attached to the trailer, visible and complete for all to see. It was possible to get a bit emotional, being truthful. This company has been amazingly generous. I know they believe in what is happening here, but they jumped ALL in which is an indication of just how great these people are – every single one of them.
So there we were admiring the huge logos plastered across the vehicles. And it hit me – right in the face! No turning back now! Gulp. It was then that the full effect of the planning and dreaming became real. We’re committed. (Come on - in a nice way! I know what you’re thinking!)
There has been so much going on lately that I haven’t had the time to update anybody. There is so much I could tell you right now. But instead, I think we should begin this trip with thanks.
So very many of you invested time and energy and enthusiasm towards helping this “seed” grow into the tree it has become. There are of course, many of you who donated great sums toward helping these children find someone who will help them – Off the Streets! You know who you are – and I applaud you. Go ahead – close your eyes and take a look. Standing ovation!
Many of you read every single email (talk about a TIME commitment!) and then spent a little more energy writing back to encourage and to support. There were those days when without your effort, there could well be no logo on the RV – for the simple fact that there would be no RV – no SOS 2009. You kept me true to this dream. You kept me on task and motivated. You too can close your eyes – imagining me bent at the waist in a most humble bow to your friendship.
There were those who built a terrific website! There are those who helped with Facebook and some with presentations. Some of you shared great ideas. And some of you played with those ideas when we introduced them. Some of you spread the word and told everybody you know. There are those who are driving hundreds of miles just to be there when we depart, some riding along and some waving. There are those who promised to watch the progress through the GPS and blog. (I know you’re watching – I wouldn’t dare screw this up!)
There are volunteer drivers. There are people (once strangers) that stopped me on the streets of Rochester and took an interest – some even sent donations, but all were encouraging and excited. There are those in the media who have taken a stand by introducing this project through television and print in order to reach thousands of others. On our own, we would never have had the opportunity to let them know how to become involved.
There is no way to tell each and every one of you how much you have meant to me over these last few months. (Well, if I did – you know how painful it would be. Reading on and on and on and …..)
I’ll just offer a “group” thanks for now. I’m sure we’ll talk again soon. But remember that I am sincerely of the opinion (I KNOW I’m right too) that each of you owns a part of this trip. Each of you – in your own way – has made a difference in the life of a child. Today this child lives on the street, but “tomorrow, because of you, she will have a home.
Thank you for caring so much,
Looks like you came through the first day alive! The vehicle looks amazing. I anxiously await your next post. ~L